1999 Judy Castelli, Artist, Stained Glass  26" x 34"

survivor artist Judy Castelli East Hampton New York

In the Beginning, when it was Dark, we were Alone.

In the End, we will be Strong - Stronger than Silence.

We will be Big - Bigger than Secrets.

We are Many - More than an Army.

We count on it - Strength in Numbers.

We will Speak it - They will Listen.

We will be Heard - They will Believe.

They will See - we will be Seen.

We will Belong.

We will be Loved - And we will Love.

Love will come Easy.

We will Ask, and we will Receive.

We will Give and we will be Giving

And in the End we will Live

And in the End we will be More than We Dream.

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Looking Inside: Life Lessons from a Multiple Personality in Pictures and Words, by Judy Castelli

Copyright 1998-2004 Judy Castelli